Our R&D Center and Innovation Policy

As Ankutsan, we obtained the R&D center certificate approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2017. This center, which is the first in the sector, is one of the exemplary centers in its region.

Researchers trained in many disciplines work in this center, which we established to develop innovative products, identifying market needs and expectations, and transforming benefits, costs, and performance improvements into scientific results.

Our academic studies with universities continue by considering the improvement and development in production with a different perspective in our R&D center.

We lead the dissemination of knowledge by sharing our knowledge about our activities on scientific platforms, and we take it as our duty to disseminate some of the information we obtain from our studies in the scientific field.

Our R&D Center and Innovation Policy
  • Erdem, F., Uygur, B., Akpınar, D., Ondaral, S. (2020) Imascon Congress 2020 Proceedings Book, Mathematical Method For Establishing Strenght Standards of Corrugated Board (p. 546-552)  
  • Gok, B., Akpinar. (2020) HJSE, Investigation of Strenght and Migration of Corrugated Cardboard Boxes (ISSN Number 2148-4171)
  • Uygur, B., Gök, B., (2018) ORENKO 2018 Abstract Book. Sustainable Corrugated Furniture Design (p.179) 
  • Uygur, B., Gök, B., (2018) ORENKO 2018 Abstract Book. 3 D Puzzle Toy: Recycling of Corrugated Board Waste and a New Secondary Usage Area (p.180) 
  • Gök, B., Akpınar, D., Selçuk, S., & Vergili, Ö. (2017). ANCON 2017 Abstract Book. Comparative Study for Water Resistance And Strength Of Pure And Hydrophobic Coated Corrugated CardBoard (p. 276). Ankara: ISBN 978-605-245-971-3.
  • Gök, B., Akpınar, D., Selçuk, S., & Vergili, Ö. (2017). ANCON 2017 Abstract Book. Comparative Study for Water Resistance And Strength Of Pure And Hydrophobic Coated Corrugated CardBoard (p. 276). Ankara: ISBN 978-605-245-971-3.
Our R&D Center and Innovation Policy

We develop R&D and product development studies in line with the needs of our customers. We carry out our custom-made new product development studies by considering the following policies.

  • To ensure continuous development, to support continuous training to improve the ability to develop new products,
  • To increase customer satisfaction by understanding the expectations of the market correctly, constantly developing innovative ideas, and presenting "packaging that will add value to our customers' products", 
  • Evaluating customer feedback as a development opportunity and performing improvement activities,
  • An all-new product studies; to work with a focus on the environment, occupational health, and safety, food safety awareness,
  • Developing new products in compliance with legal regulations.