Product Design

Packaging design affects many different disciplines such as production, planning, sales, and purchasing. As Ankutsan, we consider the ideas and constraints of all relevant departments while designing the most suitable product for our customers' needs. While designing the product, we try to find the most suitable solution by evaluating many parameters such as storage costs, pallet usage, material compatibility, transportation costs. We start our packaging design process by developing a concept with hand drawings. While determining the box type according to the requested packaging, we make use of the codes defined in the FEFCO catalog and the product range of Ankutsan. If our customer's demand is outside of our product range, we start a new design study. We plan the number and layout of the product to be placed in the packaging at this stage and shape our designs in accordance with this plan.

2D drawings made with CAD programs are prepared for prototype preparation and checking suitability for production, while 3D drawings are prepared for visualization and testing. In the ongoing process, a prototype is produced from corrugated cardboard and the product is examined and if there are any errors, it is improved and developed. The packaging sample is folded or glued to its final form and passed through the design control. In addition, a prototype prepared with the planned papers gives test results close to the packaging to be produced. Physical test values ​​such as strength can be confirmed on this sample.

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