Considerations in Box Design and Material Selection

Customer needs are important inputs of the box design, what and how to transport/store in the box. In line with these inputs, the most suitable box type, cut, and the material combination is determined for the customer's needs.

  • Product in Box

The shape, weight, and moisture content of the product to be transported in the box must be included in the evaluation as they affect the bearing strength. The right information about the product to be transported brings the right box design.

  • How Much Load Will the Box Carry (Number of Stacks)

The number of stacking (how many floors the boxes will be stacked on top of each other) and how much load will be placed on the bottom box are important. The crushing strength value ( BCT ) of the box must be equal to or greater than the load value corresponding to the lowest box.

  • Storage and Transfer Conditions 

The humidity of the storage environment, how long the box will be kept in a cold and humid environment, its hot-cold activity, how many layers the boxes will be stacked on top of each other under these storage and transfer conditions, where the transfer will take place and how many days will be determined are important criteria for the quality of the box.

  • Paper

After the product is defined and the conditions are determined, the paper properties that meet these criteria will also be determined. In the analysis, the papers that provide these values ​​are determined and the quality formation is completed.

  • Graphic, Color, and Print Design

It is essential to work on the right graphics for the promotion of the product and for it to come to the fore in the market. The most accurate result is obtained by combining this graphic work with appropriate printing and cliché design.