Paper and History
Paper is a smooth surface that gains a certain strength as a result of the formation of hydrogen bonds after the layer formed on the strainer is dried after the fibers are fringed as a result of beating of the vegetable fibers, swelling by absorbing water and cutting as a result of mechanical effects.
In our daily life, paper is more important than oil, which has taken an important place in our lives in recent years. Newspapers, magazines, notebooks, books we read, packaging of consumer goods we buy, diapers, tissue paper, other cleaning papers, the money we use and books we read, etc. always made of paper. As Emile Gautier put it, “Paper was invented to detect and carry thought”. Paper is a means of transportation that provides the storage and transmission of thoughts.
The first people expressed themselves by drawing pictures on cave walls and stones and ensured that their knowledge was transferred to the next generation. Later, they started to write on soft stones, clay tablets, animal bones, wood pieces, tree bark, metal sheets, and animal skins. As many of the answers we seek are found in nature, the first use of paper, according to the studies made by some researchers, the first paper-like structures are considered to be the hornet's nests and the hornets as the first papermakers. Wasps can produce a paste similar to a mechanical wood pulp by chewing wood or sticks that are worn out in nature. Wasps, living in social groups, evolved during the Eocene geological period 56-57 million years ago. Wasp nests are also waterproof due to sticky substances.
Source: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Usta and Prof. Dr. Hüdaverdi Eroğlu, Paper and Cardboard Production Technology.